Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold Mods

Changelog, description and download of Supreme Ruler 2020 mod pack 1.1 for Gold Edition The Patches Scrolls Mod Supreme Ruler 2020 mod pack 1.1 for Gold Edition HOME. Gold Patch 6.6.2 Sep 30 2009 Patch. Here is patch v6.6.2 for Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold. The patch includes a number of improvements and fixes for the game.

'Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold' - v6.8.1 Patch Available NOW

by Rainier on April 26, 2011 @ 11:49 a.m. PDT

Supreme Ruler 2020 is a strategic and tactical geo-political game where direct control of the military and the policies of a nation becomes the key to survival. One of the innovative new features is the wide-open 'Super Sandbox' mode, which allows players to take control of nearly any country or region of the world.

Here's the more detailed changelog from Update 6 to Update 8:

  • New Content
    • New 'MOD' Scenarios included (20 Scenarios)
    • New Units and Technologies added
  • New AI / AI Improvements
    • Improved AI Military Response code / Military actions
    • AI better manages air units and Naval invasions
    • AI strategies for larger troop concentrations improved
    • Better use by AI of unit formations and larger forces
  • New Features
    • Play on as Dictator available when losing an election
    • Idle (circling) air units now respond to Unit Requests & Hotspots
    • Added 'LOAD UNIT' command, transport will load any units in its zoc
    • Air units in overstacked airstrip will look for alternate airstrips
    • Air units will better disburse to available carriers
    • Added 'Diplomatic Alignment' effects when treaties signed/cancelled
    • Add ability to turn Third Party Diplomatic Alignment effects on/off
    • Add Language Selector to Game Options (requires restart)
    • Surrounded cities are now blockaded and lose their supply level
    • AI Regions will accept treaties and alliances less easily
    • Equipment List: Infantry Units re-balanced (less engineer-rush etc)
    • Equipment List: Garrison movement rate set to 0
    • AI will no longer send Command Units on Naval Invasions
  • Performance Improvements
    • Improved performance of Pathfinding code by 35%, reduced memory usage
    • Improved map performance by moving unit texture loads to background thread
    • Game Performance at highest game speeds improved
  • Fixes / Improvements
    • Fixed Save-game file size issue (files now much smaller)
    • Fixed incorrect 'victory' text box when region is defeated
    • Fixed possible hang when diplo offer maximize picked but green not poss
    • Fixed bug when Fog-of-War turned on after scenario started with it off
    • Build-to-Strength on merged units fixed
    • Base production queue value reset on owner change (possible bug fix)
    • When a center upgrade destroyed, all nodes are now also destroyed
    • When base in enemy ZOC it goes 'lockdown', no auto unit landing/reserve
    • Upon Surrender units remain in Reserve (Garrisons too); constr queue kept
    • Units should land properly at a just-surrendered airfield
    • 'OnePerHex' now enforced for airport/seapier/barracks
    • Optimized memory use of save-file compressor
    • Changed order-id sequence code to resolve possible multiplayer/mt sync prob
    • Fixed bug where scrapping river city node also scraps roads in hex
    • Fixed (hopefully) final issues with pathing lines not showing for off-map dest
    • Garrisons on a fully-garrisoned hex are now disbanded
    • Resolved MP lobby sync issue when switching between saved and scenario lists
    • Non-Tradable Techs are now enforced (ie units with non-tradable prereqs)
    • Diplo trades use removehex/newlocation properly; mp sync & 'ghost dmg' bugs
    • Fixed in-flight missiles not getting saved properly
    • Units that are marked as Favorites will show even if obsolete or replaced
    • Fixes to LOADUP order to not leave some potential units unloaded
    • Corrected a targetting/visibility bug where long range fire opps were missed
    • Corrected a case where unit opportunity fire set not used in missile firing
    • Indirect damage of multiple units in hex no longer drops below 50% in stacks
    • Full Equipment name is now shown for units
    • Removed 'Missile Storage Limit Exceeded' maintenance cost penalty
    • Fixed issue with 'bordering' not always properly set
    • Health care rating no longer defaults to 80% on cache creations
    • AI Regions will now properly use initial missile stocks
    • Changed save buffer size calculation to prevent possible overflow
    • Fixed small/rare issue with AI Neutral-Exit of standoff units
    • Fixed rare issue with air units looking for landed refueling tankers
    • Fixed upgrade and base infrastrure cost over-calculation on multi-nodes
    • Deactivated facilities were costing too much maint cost
    • Mouse Freeze on Large-Font Windows fixed

In Supreme Ruler 2020, it is up to the player to lead a nation in a world that has fallen into anarchy. In Global Crisis, players face an even more devastating and realistic experience through a sandbox-style campaign that takes into account real-world headlines for a chilling portrayal of tomorrow’s chaotic world.
Grab control of one of more than 250 territories from around the world, in a sandbox-style campaign that incorporates real-world headlines for a chilling glimpse of a world on the brink of World War III.


Key Features:

Supreme Ruler 2020 Cheats

  • Over 30 scenarios spread across the original campaign and the thrilling expansion as players march towards World War III
  • Control one of more than 250 territories from around the world in single-player or multiplayer modes
  • Use high-resolution NASA satellite imagery to manage your sprawling empire
  • Control hundreds of actual military vehicles using a sophisticated tactical command system
  • Realistic world using detailed diplomatic, economic, and political models
  • Great flexibility, either through modding or a limitlessly customizable Super Sandbox mode

Supreme ruler ultimate wikiMore articles about Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold
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As a THANK YOU to all the fans of Supreme Ruler, we are pleased to provide a free download of a bonus MOD PACK that includes a number of BattleGoat and third-party developed Mods and scenarios.
The MOD PACK includes 20 New Custom Scenarios, for Supreme Ruler 2020: Global Crisis and Supreme ruler 2020 gold update

Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold Mods 2017

Supreme Ruler 2020: Gold Edition. (Update 6 or Update 7 required).
Check out the README file for Scenario Details and more information.
Download Link:
Included Maps:
Ruges Global Crisis V3.52 – by Ruges
British Invasion – by Chris Latour
Global Crisis P1 - by Chris Latour
Russian Tide – by George Geczy
Blocks – by Hullu Hevonen
Confederate States – by Hullu Hevonen and Chris LatourSupreme Ruler 2020 Gold Mods
Confederate StatesNOTECH – by Hullu Hevonen
OWN – by Hullu Hevonen
Divided America – by Hullu Hevonen
Canada in Trouble – by Hullu Hevonen
Mexico Expands – by Hullu Hevonen
A British Civil Unrest – by Hullu Hevonen
Global Crisis ACW – by Hullu Hevonen
World 2020 ACW – by Hullu Hevonen
Shattered World ACW – by Hullu Hevonen
Accelerated GC – by Pete and Chris Latour
Blitzkrieg – by Harry0708
Divided Planet – by nbcdipper
Yugoslavia Mod – by Nero
More Conflict 2020 – by Roest