Trials In Tainted Space Foxfire

(Redirected from Tail Genital)

The tail is a body part that Captain Steele can customize. The parameters of this body part that can be currently altered are the type and number of tails.

Note: The Cunt Snake and Cockvine Seedling tail genital types will prevent tail changes that do not specifically transform them

The expansive space felt close and electric then, the ancient magic boiling the blood in his veins. Amjad had fixed him with that stare, the one that made him think of a hunting cat, unblinking. 'You are not Elvhen, but you understand us enough, perhaps. Home / Trials in Tainted Space. Category: Trials in Tainted Space Backers 0.7.38 Fucking Cuntboys. April 12, 2017 Fenoxo Fenfen. Trials in Tainted Space. More Foxfire colors. Some tweaks for the “exhibition gains/losses over time” subsystem.

  • 2Genital Type


Tail Types
Type Flags Transform Notes
  • Shares the same description as Drider.
  • Feathered
  • Gooey
  • Gooey flag requires Steele to have Gel Bodystatus effect
  • Fluffy
  • Furred
  • Description supports multiple tails.
  • Chitinous
  • Smooth
  • Stinger Tipped
  • Fluffy
  • Furred
  • Long
  • Fluffy
  • Furred
  • Long
  • Half-ausar start with this.
  • Long
  • Prehensile
  • Parasitic organism and is immune to change.
  • Must be removed before being changed.
  • Tail genital is a cock with varying cock types.
Cunt Snake
  • Long
  • Prehensile
  • Thick
  • Parasitic organism and is immune to change.
  • Must be removed before being changed.
  • Tail genital is a vagina with varying vagina types.
  • Description supports multiple tails.
  • Fluffy
  • Furred
  • Long
  • Prehensile
  • Shares the same description as Arachnid.
  • Long
  • Tapered
  • Furred
  • Long
  • Prehensile
  • Half-kaithrit start with this (two-tail variant).
  • Description supports multiple tails.
  • Can support tail genitals through Catnip transformative
  • Smooth
  • Sticky
  • Prehensile
  • Tapered
  • Scaled
  • Long
  • (None)
  • This type of tail is actually for no tail.
  • All humans will start with this type.
  • Short
  • Furred
  • Scaled
  • Long
  • Tapered
  • Prehensile
  • Half-gryvain start with this.
  • Fluffy
  • Furred
  • Fluffy
  • Furred
  • Long
  • Half kui-tan start with this.
  • Furred
  • Fluffy
  • Long
  • Prehensile
  • Scaled
  • Orefish Shard (no tail)
  • Half-lethian start with this.
  • Fluffy
  • Furred
  • Long
  • Furred
  • Long
  • Prehensile
  • Chitinous
  • Smooth
  • Scaled
  • Ovir Ace/Ovir Positive
  • Description supports multiple tails.
  • Fluffy
  • Furred
  • Long
  • Prehensile
  • Scaled
  • Description supports multiple tails.
Red Panda (Lesser Panda)
  • Furred
  • Long
  • Smooth
  • Fluffy
  • Red Pandaneen Plus/Red Panda Pro Plus
  • Scaled
  • Tapered
  • The following flags may be gained based on Femininity
    • Thick
    • Smooth
  • The following flags may be gained based on height
    • Long
    • Short
  • Long
  • Scaled
  • Shares the same description as Siren.
  • Fluffy
  • Long
  • Scaled
  • Shares the same description as Shark.
  • Can support tail genitals through Siren's Bounty transformative.
  • Corckscrewed
  • Long
  • Scaled
  • Description supports multiple tails.
  • Furred
  • Fluffy
  • Long
  • Foxfire/Frostfire
  • Description supports multiple tails.
  • Description supports tail genitals
  • Using Foxfire/Frostfire on tail
    • Gain prehensiletail flag
  • (Scaled)
  • Xhelarfog Plus Pill
    • Scaled flag will be gained if skin has/gains pretty scales flag

Genital Type

If the tail has a tail genital, it can be either a penis or a vagina. The available kinds of tail genitals are as follows:

Tail Penis Types
Type Flags Transform Notes
  • Prehensile
  • Long
  • Tail cunt
  • Genital color becomes pink
  • Is parasitic
  • Knotted
  • Prehensile
  • Long
  • Genital color becomes one of the following
    • red
    • dark read
    • bright red
  • Is parasitic
  • Prehensile
  • Long
  • Ribbed (50% Chance)
  • Genital color becomes green
  • Is parasitic
  • Knotty
  • Nubby
  • Long
  • Prehensile
  • Tail cock (non-parasitic)
  • Requires an already existing Cocktail
  • Retains parasitism from previous cocktail
  • Genital color becomes one of the following
    • red
    • dark purple.
  • Flared
  • Sheathed
  • Prehensile
  • Long
  • Genital color becomes one of the following
    • pink
    • black
    • mottled-pink
  • Is parasitic
  • Prehensile
  • Nubby
  • Tapered
  • Sheathed
  • Requires an already existing Cocktail
  • Genital color becomes pink
  • Is non-parasitic
  • Prehensile
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Stinger Base
  • Requires an already existing Cocktail
  • Is non-parasitic
  • Scaled
  • Long
  • Prehensile
  • Tail cock
  • Requires an already existing non-parasitic Cocktail
  • Is non-parasitic
  • Long
  • Prehensile
  • Tail cock
  • (no previous cocktail)
  • Is non-parasitic
  • Prehensile
  • Knotted
  • Tapered
  • Sheated
  • Long
  • Furred
  • Fluffy
  • Tail cock
  • Foxfire/Frostfire
  • Requires an already existing Cocktail
  • Is non-parasitic
  • Genital color becomes red
Tail Vagina Types
Type Flags Transform Notes
  • Tail cunt
  • Genital color is pink.
  • Is parasitic
  • Prehensile
  • Long
  • (no previous cunttail)
  • Genital color is skin color
  • Is non-parasitic
  • Tail cunt
  • Genital color is pink.
  • Is parasitic
  • Tail cunt
  • Genital color is pink or black.
  • Is parasitic
  • Tail cunt
  • Genital color is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, or pink, with a 1/5 chance of that color being semi-transparent--or a 1/10 chance the genital color will match with the skin color.
  • Is parasitic
  • Tail cunt
  • Requires an already existing Cunttail
  • Genital color is blue, purple, or pink, with a 1/5 chance of that color being luminous--or a 1/10 chance the genital color will match with the skin accent color (if applicable).
  • Is parasitic
  • Tail cunt
  • Requires an already existing Cocktail
  • Genital color is pink.
  • Is parasitic
  • Tail cunt
  • Aphrodisiac laced
  • Requires an already existing Cunttail
  • Retains previous tail flags
  • Prehensile
  • Sheated
  • Long
  • Furred
  • Fluffy
  • Tail cunt
  • Foxfire/Frostfire
  • Requires an already existing Cocktail
  • Is non-parasitic
  • Genital color becomes red

If a genital color is not defined for the tail genital, it will be the color that was set previously or pink by default.


Volume is a calculated measurement essential for making comparisons between the penis 'size' and the vagina/anus capacity. The volume is the combination of the volume of the penis shaft and the penis base, both modified by the shape of the penis.

By default, the volume calculations are as follows (where π is 3.142) :

Volume Variables
Variable Default Equation
Shaft Volume π * ( 1.5 / 2 )2 * ( 8 - ( 1.5 ) )
Tip Volume 2/3 * π * ( 1.5 / 2 )3

Penis shape will have an effect on one or more of the volume values:

Volume Modifiers
Flag Shaft Volume Tip Volume
Equine Shaft Volume π * ( 1.5 / 2 )2 * 1.5 * 1.3
Canine Shaft Volume * 0.75 Tip Volume * 0.75

The total volume is the sum of the shaft and the tip:

Effective Volume Variables
Variable Default Equation
Total Volume Shaft Volume + Tip Volume


Trials In Tainted Space Foxfire Drive

Capacity is a calculated measurement that determine the internal 'size' of a vagina--or how much room the vagina has in order to fit another penis/dildo/object of a particular size.

The capacity will vary depending on Steele's primary vagina size (if any):

Capacity Variables
Condition Tail Vagina Capacity
Primary vagina capacity greater than 100 Vagina Capacity
Primary vagina capacity at 100 or less (or has no vagina) 100


Color changes
Item/Event Requirment Change Notes
Pleasure Palette Permapaint
  • Choose Tail Genital
  • Change Tail Genital Color
  • See Pleasure Palette Permapaint for color options
Tentatool Pill
  • Skin type is regular skin
  • Skin color not one of the following
    • green
    • blue
    • red
    • purple
    • black
  • Color of all tail genital becomes one of the following
    • green
    • blue
    • red
    • purple
    • black
  • The following will change color to match the new tail genital color


Trials In Tainted Space Wiki Foxfire

Unless otherwise stated, most tail transformations will split/merge tails upon change. These will not be counted here since they technically do not add to/subtract from the overall tail count.

Trials In Tainted Space Foxfire

Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
Amber Seed
  • No tail
  • Tail count becomes 1
  • Tail type becomes avian
  • Tail type is feline
  • Tail count is 1
  • Tail count becomes 2
  • Used on tail
  • Tail type is vulpine
  • Tail count less than 9
  • Increase tail count by 1
  • Process may be stopped by applying Immuno-Booster.
Pupper Popper
  • Tail type is canine
  • Tail count less than 9
  • Increase tail count by 1
Item/Event Requirement Change Notes
  • Has parasitic tail(s)
  • Removes all parasitic tails
Dr. Lash
  • Has parasitic tail(s)
  • Removes all parasitic tails
Dr. Badger
  • Has parasitic cunt tail(s)
  • Removes all parasitic cunt tails
Amber Seed
  • Has tail(s)
  • Tail type not one of the following
    • Avian
    • Feline
      • With leg type Feline
    • Equine
      • With leg type Equine
  • Remove tail(s)
  • Tail count greater than 1
  • 25% Chance
  • Tail count becomes 1
  • Has tail(s)
  • Removes all tails
Horse Pill
  • Tail count greater than 1
  • Tail type not equine
  • Tail count becomes 1
  • Tail type becomes equine
Laquine Ears
  • Tail count greater than 0
  • Tail type not Lapine
  • Tail count becomes 0
Lucifier Candy Apple
  • Has tail(s)
  • Has Furred tail flag
  • Removes all tails
  • Has tail(s)
  • Removes all tails
New Ewe
  • Tail count greater than 1
  • Tail count becomes 1
Nyrean Candy
  • Has tail(s)
  • Removes all tails
Orefish Shard
  • Tail count greater than 1
  • Decrease tail count by 1
Terran Treat
  • Has tail(s)
  • Removes all tails
Xhelarfog Plus Pill
  • Tail count greater than 1
  • Tail count becomes 1
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